2011年9月7日 星期三

Jill Stuart Holiday 2011: Fairy Garden Collection

[Pic from Voce] 7875yen

Jill Stuart's Christmas coffret which will be released on November 4, 2011! The Fairy Garden Collection includes a Jewel Crystal Eyes, Loose Powder N, Jelly Lip Gloss, two fragrance sachets and a pouch.

Enjoy! =D

2011年6月19日 星期日

Rilakkuma - July 2011

税込 各1,260円 (本体価格 各1,200円) 全3種


Poster 各 472円(税込)

2011年6月18日 星期六

K11 的 Isabelle 鳳梨酥

估唔到 K11 都免費派鳳梨酥!!
可愛的小姐還派我2份, 很驚喜~ 呵呵~ XD
但是免費的就不要要求太多了!! ^___^v

Crabtree & Evelyn x Hello Kitty

相信 Hello Kitty fans 會瘋狂吧!! XD
我也很愛 Hello Kitty 的 liberty bags~~~ 可是他說很師奶... (嘛, 佢咩都話師奶架啦!! 很欠丙!)
所以最後我也忍手了! =)
但真正喜愛的 fans 就不要錯過啦!! 只做6月15-19日!!!

今日的 Samples 收穫

嘩~~~~ 估唔到 SKII 咁大手筆, 送成 2x 20g Cleanser!!! *開心*

另外, 也拿到了 JM fresh care 的 Moisturizing Mask (嘉玫解渴面膜)!!
一打開, 好多好多精華~
沒有香味... 頗保顯的!
敷完後有白滑到!! Happy~~~ =D

2011年6月14日 星期二

cle de peau 2010-2011

Suddenly, I want to review & preview the products from cle de peau... hehe
(info from Haru, Singapore)

Cle de Peau Fall 2011
Cle de Peau will release a small fall makeup collection with the theme "la beaute inherente" on 21 July 2011 in Japan. Created by Lucia Pieroni, the collection is inspired by moonlight reflecting off the ocean. It includes two limited edition Ombre Couleur Creme eyeshadows (4725yen; 2.8g) and three new shades of Rouge A Levre (6300yen; 4g).

The Ombre Couleur Creme is based on an oil cream formula that glides onto the skin and contains "shimmering gloss oil", "high brightness gloss pearl" and premium argan oil.

Cle de Peau New Base Makeup and Skincare 2011
Cle de Peau will launch the following new base makeup and skincare on 21 February 2011 in Japan:
1. Teint Natural Poudre Blanc: powder foundation in 6 shades (9450yen, 11g)

2. Teint Natural Fluide: Cream foundation in 8 shades with SPF20 PA++. (12,600yen, 25g)

3. Voile Blanc: brightening makeup base with SPF35 PA++ (6300yen, 30ml)

4. Serum Blanc: whitening serum (15750yen, 40ml)

New Skincare Line 2011
Revamped skincare line on 21 January 2011 in Japan. The ad campaign will be fronted by actress Amanda Seyfried.

1. La Creme (52500yen)
2. Mousse Nettoyante F/T: face cleanser (5250yen, 125g)
3. Demaquillant YL: lip and eye makeup remover (4200yen, 125ml)
4. Creme Demaquillant N: makeup remover (6300yen, 125g)
5. Lotion F / Lotion T (11025yen, 170ml)
6. Protection F / Protection T: day moisturiser (1125yen, 125ml)
7. Emulsion F/ Emulstion T: night moisturiser (13125yen, 125ml)
8. Le Cotton (840yen, 120 pads)
9. Coffret de Beaute I and II (8400yen)

Cle de Peau Holiday 2010
A limited edition Palette Vintage 2 (12,600yen) on 21 November 2010 in Japan. The gold and beige gradation face powder adds a luxurious elegant glow.

2011年6月1日 星期三

Nuffnang 6月賞不停 - 【抽獎】送 iPad2!!!

越來越多人擁有自己的 blog 了, 今次想說各位 blogger 有福了!!
亞太區的龍頭博客廣告(Blog Advertisment) 公司 Nuffnang 登錄香港。因為新登錄香港,Nuffnang 將會在6月份送出兩部 16GB Wifi iPad2 給新加入 Nuffnang 的 Blogger!

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如有任何問題,請聯絡 Kevin Cheuk (電郵:kevin.cheuk@nuffnang.com.hk)。

大家仲唔快快行動!!! XD